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Le chat perché dans la nuit

Le chat perché dans la nuit

Une photo nocturne avec mon chat perché !!!

On dirait qu'il louche ^^
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>Are there any plans for Europa to have a robotic miiossn to inform us if it has a liquid ocean under it's surface.As far as I know, no one with the necessary funds and technology has any real plan to launch such a miiossn. It would take probably several years at the very least just to get from the initial plan to a launch, and the spacecraft wouldn't reach Europa until over a year after that, so even if the plan were developed right now, we'd be looking at a landing no sooner than about 2013, and probably up to several years later than that. The Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter (JIMO) was designed to study Europa and the other jovian satellites from orbit, but it was canceled back in 2005; if it had gone ahead, it would still not have reached Jupiter until about 2018.>It would be interesting if an ocean exists, what this water would contain.No freaking kidding! Unfortunately, the world's governments seem to be too concerned with fighting wars, preventing efficient power plants from being developed, denying rights to homosexuals and basically creating and perpetuating harmful legislation to spare more than a few billion dollars a year for space exploration (and most of that goes into white elephant projects like the ISS and the space shuttles).
On dirait aussi un peu une chouette (hulotte) !!!
Le chat est l'animal que j'aurais aimé être, chasseur hors pair, chapardeur de nourriture, chahuteur de première, toujours charmant voire charmeur...! lol!
il est mignon. Il a la même couleur que le mien. et surement la même fougue
Il regarde les étoiles comme toi, ou bien avait-il autre chose en vue? Jolie photo en tous les casBisous